Contest Information
Public Speaking

Public Speaking
Junior Division
In the Junior division, contestants at Regional and National Classics will give a prepared speech. Contestants will pick from one of the three topics listed. You will be able to use two 3x5 handwritten note cards when giving your speech.
Intermediate and Senior Divisions
Public speaking is an extemporaneous speaking contest for the Senior Division at Regional Classics and for the Intermediate and Senior Divisions at the National Classic. Contestants will report to the preparation room 35 minutes prior to their scheduled speaking time. Three topics will be drawn from a pool and you will select one to prepare a speech for. Subject areas will include topics pertinent to agriculture and the beef industry.
Time Allotted: Contestants will receive 30 minutes of prep time and deliver a three to seven-minute speech. Time elapsed during the speech will be indicated so contestants are aware of the timing. Speakers who finish before three minutes or run past seven minutes will be penalized one point for each second over or under. Following the speech, time will be allowed for questions from the judges.
Scoring: Contestants will be scored on: Presentation (40%), Subject Knowledge (20%), Response to Questions (20%), Organization (10%), and General Effectiveness (10%).
Materials: Contestants are given an information packet on the selected topic, a writing utensil, and two 3 x 5 note cards. Absolutely no outside materials are allowed.
Dress: Business casual (khakis, dress pants, button-up shirts, sweaters)